Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Paise the Lord! The weather FINALLY cooled down. I was finally able to take out my long sleeves and wear my jackets this week! The weather dropped down to around 18 degrees celsius(so around the 60s in fahrenheit?). Most places in Taiwan do not have heaters, so it can get pretty cold here. Even though I'm from Chicago, what makes the cold bearable is because of those heaters. So I'm not sure how I'll handle the cold. We'll just have to wait and see how I'll survive it when winter comes around.

Since it got cooler, my cousin brought me to this restaurant where people often go when it gets cold. Here are some pictures:

Ginger duck hot pot!

A pot filled with yummy goodness (tofu, mushrooms, cabbage, pork's blood rice cakes, duck meat, some rice wine, and LOTS of ginger)!!!!
Cousin Su-ning (notice how she's still wearing short sleeves? It actually wasn't THAT cold yet, but it was cold enough to go eat the hot pot)!
The two of us ate the whole entire pot by ourselves! I was quite amazed by how much we were able to eat. It was really good though. This was actually my third time eating hot pot in Taiwan. I don't have pictures from the first time I ate hot pot (which was less traditional but just as amazing), but I have pictures from the second time.
The next set of pictures was when my mom came to Hsinchu to visit:

Doesn't it look amazing! Mmmm meat! :)
Individual mini hot pots!

My attempt to get everyone in the picture, including the food.

Lastly, a picture of me and mom.


michael.go.yee said...

Wow that looks so delicious! Glad to see some pictures and that you are looking happy-- did you get a camera?

Sherryberry said...

I miss Taiwanese food... I mean... I miss you and Mom X)

c30lin said...

No, my cousin is lending me her camera (and her computer). Man, the motherboard of my computer just had to died right after I arrived here. So now I'm saving up for many things to buy.