Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Some People are Calling: The "Snomageddon"

It started with what "I" felt like was a typhoon - winds gushing, snow showering, and doors pounding (yes, one of our cabinet doors in our backyard was unlocked).

 Front of the House

Side House View


Then, morning came (this was before the sun came out)!

17-18 inches of Snow!

This is my window view! 

Untouched snow! 

You can't even see the road anymore! 

White as Snow! 

Backyard Snow Pile

Mom getting ready to get down and dirty! 

I mean, shovel snow. :P 

 So Clean and Pretty!

Our Front Door 


With the help of our neighbor, we were able to finish clearing our driveway in more than half the time it would have probably taken us to finish!

Happy Snow Day!

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