Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Few Facts

Fact: God is faithful.
God has been revealing Himself to me here and there (not physically of course). Unfortunately, it's been tough tracing and following God's footsteps. I have no idea where God is leading me, or what He wants me to do here.

Fact: God provides.
I finally have an interview! It's tomorrow. I'm nervous, but...I don't know. I try not to think about how I'm feeling because it does me no good. If I think too much, I will begin to fear that I wouldn't get the job and will have to continue to feel the way I've been feeling, stuck and clueless as to what I'm doing here.

Fact: I need prayer.
I've been here for 13 days. 77 days till my visa expires. In the next 77 days, I need to get job, find an apartment, check-out churchs, and learn how to live in Taiwan on my own!

(I meant to post this yesterday, but I decided to post it today anyway)

1 comment:

Sherryberry said...

I'm praying for you sis. =)